If you cannot log in to your account on our website, here is why:
You click the “Login” button before typing both of your username and password.
Your username has been converted to lowercase. Do not use uppercase in your username.
Your password is case sensitive. Make sure that you type the correct password.
Your username contains invalid characters, i.e. space, special sign,… Double check before click sign in.
Your username contains forbidden characters, i.e. hacker, admin,…
Your account has been removed due to long idle status.
Your account has been deleted because you don’t add funds to your account for a long period.
Your account has been terminated because of violation of our TOS.
Your account has been banned because of manipulation of our system.
Your account has been banned because of abuse.
Your account has been removed under your request.
Because you do not login from our login page.
In any case, we advise you to sign up for a new account, then contact us, we will transfer any existing money to your new account. The former account will then be deleted after the money is transferred to your new account. Then you can login your account to hack a Facebook account or email accounts.
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