NOTICE: Only pay with Bank Transfer if you cannot send money from your country with Western Union.
From a certain countries, Western Union (sending money option) is not available. Maybe you can receive money via Western Union but you are not allowed to send money to foreign country with Western Union. In this case, paying via Bank Wire is the better way.
Make sure that you cannot send money with Western Union by calling your local Western Union to their toll free number and ask if you can send money to foreign countries or not.
Visit their website to get the toll free number to call. If you can’t send money online with Western Union, then ask them for the nearest Western Union location address and then go in person to that Western Union agent office to send money in cash.
If you cannot send money in cash with Western Union, then now you can pay with the bank transfer (bank wire) to your receiver’s bank account.
You should follow all the steps below to pay via Bank Transfer:
Step 1: Call your preferred bank in your country to ask if you can send money to foreign countries via Bank Transfer or not. This is important because each country has its own rule about paying via Bank Transfer. If they say YES, then go to the next step.
Step 2: Send us an email to get the receiver’s bank info to send money via Bank Transfer. Contact us to get Bank info
Amount to send: Because the receiver has to pay the fees to the bank to receive and withdraw money, we charge you $225 (please enter the promo code before submitting your order to get the discount on package) for the Unlimited hacking package and $100 (no discount offered) for the Once hacking package. Make sure to send the full amount and pay your transaction fees to your bank.
You can pay money in EUR, USD or with your local currency, but make sure that the receiver will receive payment in USD. If you want to convert the price from USD to your currency.
Please visit this page: to see Live Currency Exchange Rate.
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